Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kid Art

it's time for ...
two things i love... around my home

Kass at BacWoods Fern hosts this fun blog hop meant to remind us to appreciate the things we already have ... and to provide the opportunity to share a couple of our faves with each another. 

This week (and really, ALL weeks) - I am digging on my kiddos' artwork!  What Mama DOESn't love Junior's "masterpieces"?

This first one is something that TJ did last fall when he was 8.  I love everything about it - starting with the colors and the composition and ending with the fact that he created it all by himself.  I stuck it in a basic matte and gallery frame and ... voila' ... an original (and cheap) piece of artwork for the fam to enjoy!  And - BONUS - he's pleased as punch that his work earned an actual frame!

Here's another piece of TJ's art - a ceramic fish that I think is perfectly clever and interesting.  It rests on my bedroom dresser against a pic of the Maestro himself and his little bro, X.  LOVE it!!!

If you'd like to share 2 Things YOU are lovin or re-appreciating around your home, take a picture of it, write a post with a link back to BacWoods Fern and link up with the mclinky so others can see YOUR 2 things.




  1. Should I be embarrassed that your kids are more talented than I am? Not an artistic bone in this girls body I tell ya!

  2. Ah ... NO, S.I.F.! Don't be embarrassed! I consider myself very artistic ... and yet, I could not have conceived of either of these treasures if I'd flexed my creative muscles all day! At TJs age, all of my artwork consisted of princesses in elaborate dresses! :-)

  3. Wow! Color me IMPRESSED! Those are really great!

  4. kids art is the best! and goodness, your boy has some talent!
    love them both!
    thanks for playing kris ann!

  5. wow! very cool!!! and very talented!!

