Saturday, November 28, 2009

And We Gave Thanks

We had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving! 

Our house was full of family and food - and lots of laughter.  Just like I like it!

Mom-in-law Shirley was the first to arrive (from Hayward, WI).  Mom and the brothers (Joel and John) carpooled from good old hometown, Herman, MN - and the sisters, Amy and Vangie, came from St. Paul with Vangie's hubby, Kery.  The only flaw in the entire day was that Dad stayed back in Herman, all by himself with a bug of some sort that he chose to keep to himself (thanks, Dad).

Here are some pics from our day of feasting and thanksgiving.

Xander marks his glass with his name (his own idea).
My beautiful Mama!  Can you believe that she's 60?!?!

 Little Sis, Vangie, digs in.

Bro-in-law, Kery, and Oldest Bro, Joel, tickle torture Tobey.

 Xander hides behind the staircase - no tickle torture for him!

Vangie and Kery bring Christmas gifts. 
They'll be with Kery's family in Utah this Christmas. 
They insist the boys open them right away. 
Part of the joy of giving is seeing the looks on the recievers' faces.

Tobey scores a Twins shirt from the Johnsons. 
Thank you, Vangie & Kery!

And - oh yes, Henry. 
This is his very first Thanksgiving with us. 
We hope he's half as thankful for us as we are for him!

 Little Bro, John, shares some snuggle time with Vangie and Henry.

Tobey strikes a pose. 
He is LOVING Thanksgiving.
He does his best to exhaust his aunt and uncles
with constant requests to "come here" or "go there".

 We decide to do a family photo for Christmas in our bed.
Tobey is the first one there - and auntie Vangie starts snapping away.
Auntie Amy snuggles up to a giggly Tobey.

 Then Xander hops in and strikes his muscle man pose.

 The boys engage in a little horseplay for the camera.
(Not that they don't engage in horseplay when there is NOT a camera!)

Hope your Thanksgiving was full of blessings just like mine ...
... or unlike mine, but blessed nonetheless.

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